Teatro Chelsea Past Productions & events

Open Studio on WGBH

A-Típico III: A New Latinx Play Festival
October 2022/January 2023
Ashes Down the Drain by Marielle Guadalupe Vizcarra
The Re-Education of Fernando Morales by Justin P. Lopez
Yoli, Alfredo, y la Vida by Peter Pasco
Grit by Nick Malakhow
619 Hendricks by Josie Nericcio
A-Típico II: A New Latinx Play Festival
October 2021
Black Girl Joy by Phanésia Pharel
Revitalized by Joel Ulloa
Temporary by Amy Toruño
Lithosphere Heart by Tatiana Isabel Gil
A-Típico: A New Latinx Play Festival
Offering creative space for Latinx artists to grow and express their work, A-Típico featured a selection of English/Spanish/Bi-lingual full-length plays and a night of short plays presented online in the style of a workshop: The scripts were read by professional actors and the company of actors and audience shared feedback with the playwrights to help them in the development of their work.
• April 9 @ 7pm: Before We Focus on Others (English/Bilingual) by Diego Lanao
• April 10 @ 7pm: Malas Mañas (Spanish) by Alejandra Ramos Riera
• April 15 @ 7pm: Anormales (Spanish) by Fernando Vieira & @ 8:30pm: SAA (not that one) (English) by Luis Roberto Herrera
• April 16 @ 7pm: Binary Star (English) by Guadalupe Flores
• April 17 @ 7pm: Flood (English/Bilingual) by Alicia Margarita Olivo